Iphone Simulator Mac Without Xcode

There are some features of iOS apps that don’t work from the iOS simulator. Maybe you want to test how your application works with the device camera or send an SMS message from your application. For these examples and more you’ll need to test and debug your app using a real device.

  1. Iphone Simulator Mac Without Xcode Activation
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  6. Iphone Simulator Mac Without Xcode Software

This post will walk through how to run the Xcode simulator on your iPhone or other iOS device and show you how to fix some common errors you’ll see along the way.

How to select your iPhone as the “Simulator” Device

Build an app to your simulator (as example iPhone 11). We need to add an account to xCode (you can use your Apple Id or create new). For that go to xCode — Preferences — Accounts.

  1. Oct 16, 2018 Apple does not offer a standalone simulator on the App Store. Rather, look for and download Xcode which is freely available on the store. Xcode is an integrated development environment (IDE). It enables the development of applications for all Apple operating systems including iOS, MacOS, tvOS, and WatchOS. Xcode has been developed by Apple.
  2. In addition Simulator supports watchOS and tvOS devices. Simulating the relevant device experience. Running iOS apps directly on macOS will have a Catalyst-like experience which is not the same as running an app on an iPhone or iPad. Run this years iOS/watchOS/tvOS on last year's macOS which wouldn't be possible without the simulator.
  3. Jul 19, 2021 2-Step process to Launch IOS simulator for mac without Xcode Iphone Simulator Mac. Go the Spotlight Search (cmd + space) and type in “Simulator” to launch the default simulator. You could alternatively go to the Applications tab in the finder Window and select Simulator from the list of applications. Ios Simulator For Mac.
  4. Configuration Big Sur 11.3 Xcode 12.5 (recently updated from Catalina and Xcode 12.4) Problem When running app in iOS 14.5 simulator launch takes incredibly long time (more than 30 seconds). In comparison launching installed app in simulator - 2 seconds, launching app on the real device (iOS 14.4).

Simulator is in quotes here since this will create an actual app on your phone; it’s no longer a simulation. Open up a project in Xcode and click on the device near the Run ▶ button at the top left of your Xcode screen.

Plug your iPhone into your computer. You can select your device from the top of the list.

Unlock your device and (⌘R) run the application. You’ll see Xcode install the app and then attach the debugger. The application should pop up on your phone.

Troubleshooting Common Errors

The first time I tried to connect my iPhone to Xcode it didn’t work. According to my best friend, Stack Overflow, I’m not the only one who has had issues. Let’s share the fixes to some common errors you might encounter.

“Signing Requires a Development Team”

Xcode requires that you’ve connected a Team to your project in order to run the simulator on a device. You can do this from the “General” tab of your Project Settings. As of Xcode 7 this can be any Apple ID.

Open the Team menu that currently says “None” and select your team. If you don’t have a team, select “Add an Account...” and create one with your Apple ID.

Xcode claims your device is locked when it isn’t

This fun bug has been happening since at least Xcode 6. There are a lot of potential solutions in this Stack Overflow post. Here’s what worked for me:

  1. Unplug your iPhone
  2. Reset Location & Privacy on your iPhone. Found under Settings >> General >> Reset
  3. Plug in your iPhone
  4. Hit Trust when prompted to Trust This Computer

You can learn more about how trusting computers works from Apple’s support.

“iPhone is Busy”

The unsatisfying answer for this one is to just wait.

If you don’t have a sword fighting partner, you can try the following:

  1. Unplug your device
  2. Restart both Xcode and your iPhone
  3. Plug in your device

That worked for me, but a lot of folks had luck with “Solution #3” from this Stack Overflow post.

Activate your Debugging Superpowers

Iphone Simulator Mac Without Xcode Activation

The Jasonette docs FAQ has some more tips if you have other related issues. Now that you’ve got your application running on a device you can make the most of your testing and debugging experience with these tips:

Iphone simulator mac without xcode code

If you have any questions or run into any other issues, feel free to reach out to me on Twitter @kelleyrobinson.

Question or issue on macOS:

In my iPhone app, I have many ASCII arts which I need to insert into the database.

Iphone simulator mac without xcode free

Iphone Simulator Mac Without Xcode Download

I am using the simulator and pasting the textpic in the textview to insert the ASCII art to database.

Here the clipboard of simulator once pastes the art properly but when I copy another art then too it pastes the previous art into textview.

How to solve this problem? Is there a work around for this or any better approach?

How to solve this problem?

Solution no. 1:

I was getting frustrated with copy and paste in the simulator and couldn’t figure out what was going on.

Results were similar to what you describe: copy and paste would sometimes paste the same value as I had copied before, but not what I just copied to the clipboard.

I finally realized that the simulator has it’s own clipboard, separate from the main OS X clipboard.

You use the touch-based copy and paste commands to paste into your application from the simulator clipboard.

You can use the standard OS X copy paste shortcuts (Command-X,C,V) to paste from the system clipboard into the simulator clipboard.

So to copy and paste from Chrome (for example), you select the text in Chrome, Command-C to copy. Then switch to the simulator, Command-V to paste into the simulator clipboard. Then in your application, you simulate a touch in the textfield to bring up the paste option, then simulate a touch to the paste button to paste the simulator clipboard contents into the app.

The menu options do the same thing as the keyboard shortcuts–copy/paste between the system clipboard and the simulator keyboard.

Now that I figured it out, I actually like it much better than if the simulator clipboard was automatically tied to the OS X clipboard.

Solution no. 2:

From Xcode 9.0 or above:

  • Open simulator

  • Click on “Edit” from top menus

  • Enable -> “Automatically Sync Pasteboard”

  • If already enable then disable it and enable again.

  • Long press to paste your text i.e copied

Below Xcode 9.0

  1. Copy text from anywhere
  2. Paste on the simulator by command (command + v), it will show nothing
  3. Then press (command + shift + v)

it works for me

Solution no. 3:

⌘ +
C – Copies the contents of the iOS clipboard to OS X. This works for both text and images.
⌘ + ⇧ + C – Copies the selected text (or whatever else responds to the copy: selector in your app) to the iOS clipboard. This one does not appear in the menu.
⌘ + ⌃ + C – Copies a screenshot of the iOS app (without the simulator’s chrome) to the OS X clipboard (Use ⌘ + S to save it to a file on the Desktop instead).
⌘ + V – Copies the contents of the OS X clipboard over to iOS, but doesn’t paste it. Again, this works for both text and images.
⌘ + ⌃ + V – Pastes the OS X clipboard in the iOS app, but leaves the clipboard unchanged. This does not work with images.

Source: http://olemoritz.net/copypaste-in-the-ios-simulator.html

Solution no. 4:

In Xcode 9 or above:
1. Active simulator
2. Check menu “Edit -> Automatically Sync Pasteboard”
3. Enjoy 🙂

Solution no. 5:

This is strange issue in my pc. I have macOs Sierra 10.xx++ installed in my mac. What i do is ,

Iphone Simulator Mac Without Xcode Key

  1. Copy the content from your mac using command + c or keyboard.

  2. Now press command + v in the particular place you want to paste the content.

  3. Now Paste in the simulator using command + shift + v

Working well. Confirmed answer.!

Iphone Simulator Mac Without Xcode Download

Solution no. 6:

Check out the text property of the UITextView. Simply load your textpic into an NSString, and set that string to be the text property of the TextView.

Solution no. 7:

You can copy the content from mac using ⌘ + ⇧ + C and paste in browser url using ⌘ + V .

It’s working for me.

Solution no. 8:

As a last step try to restart Xcode and iOS simulator
Menu -> Hardware -> Restart

Solution no. 9:

Got the solution:

From iPhone Simulator menu.

Iphone Simulator Install App

Third option: Restore Content and Settings.

Iphone Simulator Mac Without Xcode Software

You will lose all the apps installed in the simulator along with the settings.

Got this working for me.

Hope this helps!