Bluestacks is an incredibly popular software tool for Windows. It is one of the best Android emulators for PC out there. Initially, it was not a perfect tool, but as the number of Bluestacks users went up, the developers put a lot more effort to improve it as it is today.
Being a good Android emulator for PC, a lot of users fail to figure out how to install apps with Bluestacks or how to play games on Bluestacks. Fret not, to those who are either confused or do not have a clue how to use Bluestacks, we have got you covered with everything you would need to know about Bluestacks.
How To Setup Bluestacks
You need to first download the latest Bluestacks 3 software onto your computer from the official site of Bluestacks. Now, you will have to install the software tool on your Windows system. When done, simply launch the Bluestacks application and then follow the steps given below:
1. Click on “Agree” when asked to improve location accuracy. If you do not want that, click on “Disagree.”
2. Now, you will have to select your language preference. For me, it is English (India) as shown in the image below.
3. Now, you would need to sign in with your Google account. If you have two-factor authentication enabled, you would be asked to head to a browser window to authorize the account. It will not launch a separate browser window but will utilize the in-app browser.
- Step 2:Go to the file location and double-click on the installer. On the BlueStacks installation wizard, click Install Now. Step 3:Once BlueStacks installation is completed, click the Launch to run BlueStacks. Step 4:Click Google Play Store to log in for Pokemon Go BlueStacks spoofing. Step 5:Type your Google credentials and press enter to.
- BlueStacks for macOS Learn more about Android gaming on macOS. BSx Promoted articles. Release Notes - BlueStacks 5. BlueStacks 5.2 Download this version 1.
- Follow the respective section to install Android Apps using the BlueStacks app player. Method 1: Steps to Install Apps from Play Store using BlueStacks. If you are installing Android apps that are available on the Play Store on your PC/Mac using BlueStacks, then follow the steps below.
Buy BlueStacks Pro Guides - Microsoft Store. Is designed to enable Android applications to run on PCs running Microsoft Windows and Apple's macOS.
You will have to enter your credentials in this screen:
As previously mentioned, if 2FA is enabled for your Google account, this is what you will observe next:
4. When you are done signing in, you will be greeted with a couple of options to turn on backup/restore for your Google account and a location/Wi-Fi usage toggle.
How To Use Bluestacks To Run Apps & Games
After setting up your Google account, you need to know how to use Bluestacks to install an app or run a game. Fret not; we will guide you through the steps (though it is straightforward!).
1. When you launch Bluestacks, you will probably be on the “Home” tab. In case you are not, just click on the “Home” tab.
2. Now, to find an app or a game, you need to be in the App Center window. You may observe three options that include – “My Apps,” “App Center,” & “Help Center.” You need to click on “App Center” to proceed.
3. At the top-right corner, you will observe a search bar. Just type in the name of the app or game you want to install.
4. After you are done, hit the Enter key or click on the search icon to get started.
5. Now, you will observe the Google Play Store listing all the games and apps to your searched keyword. Click on the one you want to install.
6. Just like you do on your Android smartphone, click on “Install” and then accept the permissions to start installing it.
After you have successfully downloaded and installed the app or game, you can find it in the “My Apps” tab to launch it.
Account Profile & Basic Settings
If you head into the “Account” tab by clicking on the profile icon, you will find the option to edit your information. Also, you may choose to upgrade your account to a premium subscription to remove ads, blockers, and unlock premium support. It costs 3.33 USD per month if billed annually else it would be 4 USD per month for the premium subscription.
We have included an image below to help you know more about the options present in the “Account” tab.
Wrapping Up
Still wondering how to use Bluestacks? Let me know the problem in the comments down below. If you have figured out how to use Bluestacks by now, let us know what games or apps you prefer to run on Bluestacks!
Filed in . Read more about Android and Windows.
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You have a Macbook and an iPhone. You’ll like to use Android apps. While you’re totally out of the Android ecosystem, you can still run Android apps without purchasing extra hardware.
While Android phones can natively run Android apps (obviously), iPhones cannot. However, everyone knows what Bluestacks does.
If you don’t, Bluestacks is an Android emulator that lets you emulate Android apps on non-Android platforms. While there is a Bluestacks for PC and Mac, is there really a Bluestacks for iPhone?
In this article, we’ll look at the feasibility of Bluestacks for iOS devices and some alternatives you can use to have the Android experience on your iPhone.
Is There a Bluestacks for iPhone?
If today was April the First, I would have analyzed the numerous features of the nonexistent app. However, today isn’t April fool, and I have nothing to gain fooling you.
For a more realistic answer, Bluestacks for iPhone simply doesn’t exist. Wherever you got the idea of Bluestacks for iOS, get it out of your mind immediately.
You might have seen a website peddling so-called Bluestacks for iOS online. Predictably, none of these websites ever presents you with a download link. All you get is a link back to Bluestacks’ website, and if we’re seeing the same version of Bluestacks, you can only run it on macOS or Windows systems.
However, I’m not leaving you with a negative connotation. Instead of leaving you without a solution to your emulator problems, I’ll list out some Bluestacks alternatives on iPhone.
If that isn’t what you’re looking for, I’ll also list some Windows and macOS programs like Bluestacks that can run iOS apps. Certainly, one of these must be what you’re looking for.

Without further ado, let’s get into listing the Bluestacks alternatives.
Bluestacks Alternatives For iPhone
There are quite a few apps that let you emulate Android on iOS. However, (and quite unfortunately), Bluestacks isn’t one of them.
Here, we’ll list some good alternatives to Bluestacks, but with iOS versions. Ready to go on a wild ride?
- Alien Dalvik Emulator
If all you want is to run Android apps on your iPhone, Alien Dalvik might be all you need. It’s appropriately named, as it lets you run alien apps on the operating system.
Alien Dalvik doesn’t only run on iPhones, but it also works on iPads and iPods. This gives you a universal Android experience across all your iDevices without ever spending on an Android smartphone.
However, this app is absent from the App Store, complicating its installation process. If you are used to installing such apps from Cydia, you should have little problems installing Alien Dalvik.
Overall, if you’re after Bluestacks for iPhone, this emulator is as close as it gets.
- Apowermirror
If you have an Android phone and you’d like to use the impressive display and speakers on your iPhone to enhance your experience, this app is for you.
Apple Store Bluestacks 4
Apowermirror doesn’t run Android apps on iOS, it only mirrors an Android screen to an iOS device. If you use a desktop with a second screen, Apowermirror is something like that.
To mirror your Android’s screen to your iPhone using Apowermirror, you need an Android phone, an iPhone, and Apowermirror installed on both devices.
One more thing: both devices must be connected to the same Wi-Fi network for the screen mirroring to work.
While these aren’t the only two apps that can bring the Bluestacks experience to iOS, they are no doubt the most popular.
If you want some feature-rich apps that can perform similar functions, you can try out alternatives like iandroid.
Better still, get to a PC and fire up Bluestacks.
Alternatives to Bluestacks For iOS
This list isn’t the same as the previous one. The previous one lists apps that run on iPhones, but allow you to run Android apps. However, this is a list of apps that run on other OSes but lets you run iOS apps.
If that’s what you’re looking for, you lucked out. However, many of these apps are not free. You’ll have to pay a premium to use the good ones, just like you’ll need to pay for an iPhone.
- io is about the best multi-platform iOS emulator as it gets. This software isn’t limited to a specific platform like Bluestacks; it runs completely on the internet. provides a free demo at its homepage that you can use to test out before paying for it. The demo is limited to 60 seconds, but it is as fluid as a new iPhone during my testing on a Windows PC.
If you need an iOS emulator to test out your iPhone apps, is your best bet. You can switch between operating systems without losing access to the program as it is web-based.
There is also a free version of, but it limits you to 100 minutes per month, which isn’t what anyone will be comfortable with.
- Ripple
Ripple is another iOS emulator that runs iPhone apps right in your desktop browser. It is cloud-based, and it is only available as a Chrome extension.
A striking difference between Ripple and is that Ripple is free, and isn’t limited to a specific number of minutes per session.
In addition, Ripple works as a Chrome extension, while is a fully-fledged website with an iOS emulator baked-in.
If you want an emulator that runs most iPhone apps, Ripple is great.
- iPadian
iPadian doesn’t quite do what the rest of the programs in this category do, but it’s worth a mention. iPadian gives your desktop an iPad-like interface, but it doesn’t emulate the system.
An emulator tries to imitate both software and hardware features of a device to create an almost perfect copy of that device.
On the other hand, a simulator imitates basic design and software features to give you a feel of the operating system.
You cannot run iPadOS apps on iPadian, and you cannot use all the glorious Apple apps (Facetime, iMessages).
Therefore, if testing your apps is why you need a Bluestacks for iPhone, iPadian is pretty useless.
Bluestacks for iPhone might not exist at the moment, but we have things that are similar to that. However, before we can tell you those apps, we have to be sure that you’re not mistaken.
If you want something that runs like Bluestacks, but for iOS, you have iAndroid and Alien Dalvik to the rescue.
However, if you want something that runs iOS apps as Bluestacks runs Android apps, you have and Ripple.
Bluestacks Ios Download
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Is Bluestacks Available For Mac

Bluestacks Iphone Version
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